elektor july/august 1983 solar tracking system There are some hopes that the sun will become a main source of energy in the 21 st century. By then, sources of ohl will be almost exhausted and will only play a minor part in the supplying of energy. The present interest in solar energy is therefore not surprising. Some work has already been done with solar cells and solar panels. However, these only operate with optimum perform- ance when positioned exactly at right- angles to the sun. Unfortunately, this situation is not usual in our latitudes unless the solar panels are rotated with respect to the sun. The efficiency of a solar panel system can be improved if the panels track the sun, and remain as long as possible at the most favourable angle of incidence. The circuitry required is relatively simple. It uses a window comparator which keeps the drive motor idle, as long as the two LDRs are subjected to the same illumination. Half the 83517 2 operating voltage is then applied to 15...
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