electronics and plant physiology
7-52 july/augu 35 electronics and plant physiology That trees and plants have a soul has been known to plant lovers and gardeners for a long time. For all those who have never given this a thought and who have never done more to plants than water them, we give here a circuit which will make it possible to get into closer contact with those oft-forgot- ten members of his or her "family". Many will dismiss this experiment as belonging to the realms of parapsy- chology, but it has already been pos- sible to measure a non-periodic signal between 1 and 40 Hz with an ampli- tude which varied between 0 and a few microvolts. These signals can without any doubt be traced back to plant activities. The oscilloscope traces are often not directly connected with manipu- lation of plants. Particularly at the beginning of a series of experiments, a violent reaction could be observed in the plant before the traces shown in figure 3 could be made. Whatever caused the traces, it is certain that in o...
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