stay awake alarm

stag awake alarm Do you turn over in the morning and then often oversleep? This circuit could prevent you being late for werk, but it can also be used as an egg-timer (soft-boiled only). When you first wake up, switch on this alarm: nothing happens at first, but after a time tapse of between 20 seconds and 4 minuten, adjustable by potentiemeter Pl, a soft warning tone sounds. If you"re stil) awake, press the reset button. If you do not, because you feil asleep again, the alarm tone, which is a lot louder than the warning tone will really tear you away from those dreams. You can press the reset button again and doze off for another alarm cycle, or if you"re really awake you can switch the alarm off! Operatien of the circuit is as fellows: N5 functions as a clock generator for the leven-stage binary counter ]Cl. After every 16 clock pulses output Q4 of IC1 changes state from "1" to "0" or vice versa. After 128 pulses output 07 is logic "1", but as 04 is then logic "0", the output of...
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