IKi anti burgaar Iights Burglars are often grateful for the fact that someone goes on holiday for a couple of weeks and leaves the home untended. We often make it very easy for the burglar as welf: if, for instance, no light is seen in the house for, say, a week, it is pretty certain that nobody is at home. This circuit was designed to mislead potential burglars: the anti burglar light switches on one or more of the house lights when it gets dark and leaves them on for 1 ... 5 hours. During that time the lights are switched on and off at random. When darkness sets in, the resistance justment of the frequency between of the light dependent resistor (LDR) 0.9 Hz and 4.5 Hz. From the time controls transistor Ti and switches the house lights on and off. This hopefully puts off our burglar friend by giving the appearance that the house may not be as empty as he would have liked! After a certain period of time (1 to 7-55 R1 increases causing the output of gate N6 to go to logic "0". The...
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