73 electronic switch for audio signals The complexity of the problems as- sociated with switching audio signals is proportional to the sophistication of the playback system. In this field all roads lead to the mixing desk where the bundles of cables start or finish. The same signal must be sent, for example, to the control amplifier (monitor),the tone correction stages, the special effects stages, an output amplifier, a tape recorder ... and so on. In other words there are cables everywhere! So either the cables must frequently be moved from one place to another or some form of switching mechanism is needed. Mixing desks often have mechanical switches for this but these are far from ideal simply because they are not of high enough quality. Electronic switches, on the other hand, provide a very satisfactory solution and are devoid of clicks and other such undesirables. The circuit consists basically of two integrated circuit analogue switches controlled by two push buttons. In the ...
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