dexterity game

77 dexterity game In electronics, as in everything else, we must be able to laugh, to have fun now and again, and games circuits are always particularly well received in the "Summer circuits" issue. The principle of electronic manual- dexterity games is well known: the player attempts to pass a metal ring along a length of wire without touching the wire. An alternative version, instead of a wire, uses a metal tube which is open along its length (illustrated in the drawing). In this version of the game the tube is divided into four sections, each of which is more difficult than the last. The sound emitted, when the ring touches the tube, increases stepwise in frequency as the ring is moved closer to the end of the tube. The circuit consists of a few resistors and diodes, two CMOS ICs and, of course, a buzzer. The sound gene- ration circuit is based on Nl, a Schmitt trigger inverter, and the oscillating frequency is dependent upon the number of resistors R3.. . R5 short-circuited or...
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