elektorjuly/august 1983 preset the hard(ware) way Since the inspired "eureka!" of one R. Moogwhile pondering the concept of voltage controlled sound synthesis modules, electronic music making has virtually stood stilt. Peremptory though jt may seem this statement is none the less true and the same can be said of other "up to date" electronic musical instruments. In fact there is only one novelty of note and that is the advent of "musical microprocessors", and these are already commonplace in modern synthesisers. Their task is not real ly to supply music, rather to make up for the deficiencies suffered by many musicians who play from "memory" and cling blindly to "programming". Programming and memorising cer- tainly give undeniable benefits which simply were not possible before. But not everybody is willing to pay the (high) price and many may prefer a completely different solution, so it is worthwhile considering a wired, dis- crete, inexpensive alternative. What we propose here i...
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