102 simple power supply regulator The cost of high grade, regulated power supplies has dropped with the advent of modern ICs. For many applications the requirements are not that stringent and a simple, discretely constructed regulator as described here wilt suffice. With values as shown, the output 7-98 17 20 00 100 11.66 22 11.50 Correlation between input voltage and load resistance Table 1 Ui (V) RL (n) Uo (V) 15 °O 12.00 100 11.95 22 11.72 00 12.02 100 11.97 22 11.78 BC 550C voltage is 12V and the output current is limited to 0.5 A. For applications not requiring current limiting the circuit can supply up to 1 A. The current limiting com- ponents can then be left out The relation between input voltage, load resistance and regulated output voltage is shown in table 1. This table can therefore be used to determine whether the regulation for 12.06 BC 550C U6 5k R2 and output 00 63599 a particular application is sufficient. The "heart" of the regulator, high- power low-frequency t...
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