105 12 V 180 watt DC/AC 57 Ti T2 nC converter This is a portable converter and is intended for use with a 12 V lead- acid battery. Whether it"s in the car, boat, caravan or mobile home, this converter provides a mobile 220 V a.c. supply suitable for power- ing smal; electrical appliances, such as lights, soldering frons or electrial tools. The circuit requires only six transistors, a mains transformer and some capacitors and resistors. An astable multivibrator (AMV), consisting of transistors Ti and T2, provides a square-wave at a frequency of about 50 Hz. As Ti and T2 conduct alternately, the output stages also operate in "push- pull". When T1 conducts, a current also flows through T3; this switches on T5 and this transistor connects n, 1N5401 4 -~,02 :is BD680 r4 BD680 TS C T3 R5 ~, C2 330n 3300 40411 40411 ~ 1N5401 a 03557 one half of the secondary winding of mains transformer Tr across the 12-volt battery. If T2 conducts, transistor T6 switches the other half of the mains tra...
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