chips for digital audio elektor january 1983 So far, digital audio has only been demonstrated in studios, development laboratories, industrial fairs and exhibitions. In the hi-fi enthusiast"s living room, however, the most that can be expected is a normal LP, marked appealingly if dubiously "DIGITAL" because the master tape was recorded using digital technique. But let"s face it: there is no doubt that digital audio will soon be in the living room. The chips are already available, which means that the equipment will soon be on the market. chips for digital audio Photograph 1. The Philips CD 100 is one of the first CD players on the market. 1-36 Digital audio is not an end in itself. Until it becomes marketable, the technical advan- tages will be relatively unimportant. What do we mean by "marketable?" To the semiconductor manufacturers this simply means that the technique must be suitable for applications in entertainment elec- tronics. The marketability of digital audio is center...
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