3 A computer power supply
If one wishes to expand a fully built personal computer, the internal power supply is usually inadequate to power additional circuitry. The relatively new generation of memory chips (RAMs, EPROMs) only need a single operating voltage of 5 V. This 5 V/3 A power supply is therefore ideal for powering additional memories, peripheral devices and the like. The power supply can be built very simply using an LM 350 voltage regulator IC. Internal protective circuits against excessive load currents and temperature rise ensure that the power supply can survive considerable mistreatment. 3 A computer power supply elektor january 1983 3 A computer power supply shortci rcu it-proof and protected against thermal overloads The LM 350 voltage regulator used in this power supply has a particularly appealing characteristic: the "common" terminal behaves as a real adjustment terminal. In contrast to the usual 3-terminal voltage regulators, the current flowing via this terminal is very low and almost...
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