1 Fourier synthesis ejektor - the Fourier analysis elektor january 1983 An invitation to investigate, improve and implement imperfect but interesting ideas. from an idea of E. Muller In 1822 a french mathematician came forward with an interesting mathematical expression which seems to fit the bill as far as sine-wave forms are concerned. Obviously his thoughts were not on electronics but on the complex problems relating to thermal conduction. Even so they are still relevant today in the field of electronics. By definition the "Fourier Transform" is a mathematical expression relating the energy in a transient to that in a continuous energy spectrum of adjacent frequency components. This gives us the Fourier Analysis which is termed as a method for determining the harmonic components of a complex periodic wave function. Conversely the principles can be applied to create wave-forms, ideal for music synthesisers. With the help of a few examples we will explain how to apply the theory ...
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