Prelude part 1 - the preamplifier of the Elektor XL system
Prelude part 1 - the preamplifier of the Elektor XL system
Prelude (part 1 elektor february 1983 It is impossible to design a perfect preamplifier — one that will suit everyone"s taste. But thereÌ s no harm in trying! For our XL system, we feit that the best was just good enough. We didn"t skimp on components, and we included almost every feature we could think of. At the same time, all the "features" are optional: if you don"t want them, leave them out! Furthermore, anyone who feels the urge to re-design some section or other should welcome the modular concept that is used throughout. Prelude (Part 1) the preamplifier of the Elektor XL system Our basic concept for the XL system was to achieve the highest possible quality for home construction, without expensive test equip- ment. With respect to quality, it should be noted that most of the modules in the XL system contain considerably more compo- nents than is usually the case in projects for home construction. The Prelude is no exception. However, one should not be discouraged by the ...
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