more spots before the eyes ice After the "Talking Dice" published in the November issue it could be considered that we have just about gone as far as we can go with respect to electronic dice. But no, we now have the "non-talking double dice" which, if nothing else, is self explanatory! It is not totally dumb however, the score is shown on an LED display as either a single or a double dice, that is, a maximum count of six or twelve. It can even show when a double has been thrown! The Talking Dice published recently created quite a lot of interest and a great many readers suddenly found themselves "into" electronic dice. Paradoxically however, the next request was for a "silent" dice! The reasons for this are not entirely clear but anyway, here we go! It was considered that the dice must be easy to read but the use of LEDs in the pattern of a dice was"old hat". This only leaves seven segment displays but that is not such a bad idea. The following points were also con- sidered to be...
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