ASCII-keyboard elektor may 1983 Our first ASCII keyboard was published in November 1978 (Elektor No. 43) and proved to be extremely popular. However, times change and the field of electronics and computers has taken several steps forward. It was therefore considered that it was time for a new design that was a little more sophis- ticated than the old one. â– separate hexadecimal keyboard â– extra function keys â– complete ASCII set â– other codes possible â– auto-repeat â– shift-lock â– capital-lock â– RS 232C compatible ASCII keyboard . complete with hexpad As its name implies an alphanumeric key- board includes both alphabetic characters and decimal characters (numbers), as well as all the punctuation marks. In order that the computer and the terminal can "converse" they must obviously speak the same language; to do this several codes have been devised which give a specific binary word to each alphanumeric character. The best known and most widely used format is the Amer...
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