maestro (part 1) elektor may 1983 Topical note: To prevent confusion arising between our Maestro and that of another well known manufacturer, ours does not have any wheels ... and anyway, we thought of the name first. So there! (part 1) In the April article we said that the Interlude can be controlled remotely. The remote control unit necessary is described here. We call it "Maestro". Without leaving his armchair the music lover can listen to music played just as he likes it, and the Maestro takes care of the "conducting". Volume, balance, treble, bass, input selection, power on/off to other equipment, and even a tape recorder are all controlled. All the functions of the receiver are clearly shown using various LEDs and two 7-segment displays. to their centre positions, and the volume control to a preset level. The mute button will turn the volume down to zero — a very useful asset when answering the telephone or front doorbell! The volume can be re- turned to its previous level...
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