78L. voltage regulators Parts list Capacitors: C1 = see text and table C2 = 330 n C3 = 10 n Semiconductors: IC = 78LXX (see text and table) B = 40 V/800 mA bridge rectifier Low-power IC voltage regulators of the 78L series offer the advantages of good regu- lation, current limiting/short circuit pro- tection at 100 mA and thermal shutdown in the event of excessive power dissipation. In fact virtually the only way in which these regulators can be damaged is by incorrect polarity or by an excessive input voltage. Regulators in the 78L series up to the 8 V type will withstand input voltages up to about 35 V, whilst the 24 V type will withstand 40 V. Normally, of course, the regulators would not be operated with such a large input-output differential as this would lead to excessive power dissipation. A choice of 8 output voltages is offered in the 78L series of regulators, as shown in table 1. The full type number also carries a letter suffix (not shown in table 1) to denote the outpu...
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