switching channel for radio control - pulse-width controlled switch
switching channel for radio control - pulse-width controlled switch
switching channel for radio control elektor june 1983 switching channel for radio control The proportional radio control systems which are available to modellers today are ideal where it concerns the control of speed and steering mechanisms. Many models, particularly model ships, have, however, a number of non-proportional on/off functions which modellers would like to control remotely: interior lighting, search lights, sirens, water cannon, and many more. The switch described in this articles offers the possibility to control five such functions over one channel without the need for servo-mechanisms and micro-switches. pulse-width controlled switch Proportional remote control systems operate by pulse-width detection. The position of the joystick results in a certain width of the transmitted pulses (between 1 and 2 milliseconds). The width of the pulse is trans- lated in the receiver to a certain position of the servo control. This type of proportional servo-control lends itself e...
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