RTTY decoder elektor june 1983 RTTY decoder Interest in Radio Teletype (RTTY) traffic has grown appreciably over the past few years. One of the reasons for this is that micro-computers, such as the Elektor Junior Computer, which find their way into more and more homes, lend themselves readily to this absorbing hobby. Such a computer can become an effective RTTY Decoder by the addition of a small electronic circuit and a suitable program. teletype reception by computer Our last issue contained articles on the decoding of morse signals by means of the Junior Computer and the Elektor Z80A card. In this issue it is the turn of teletype enthusiasts. Owners of an expanded Junior Computer can save themselves the purchase of a costly teleprinter and RTTY converter. A simple interface and an EPROM with the right program will translate the teletype gibberish on short waves into a clear text on the screen. The principle of transmission and decoding in teletype is not much different from that...
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