spectrum display - a graphical frequency spectrum display
spectrum display - a graphical frequency spectrum display
spectrum display elektor june 1983 Photo 1. This illustrates the method used for inter- connecting the three printed circuit boards. This enables all the boards to be freely accessible. spectrum display a graphical frequency spectrum display We are all familiar with the usual line-o"-LEDs type of display that is so beloved by the manufacturers of contemporary Hi-Fi equipment. They are very pretty and, if interpreted correctly, do their job very well. However now that every "solid state" meter is a series of different-coloured LEDs, either vertical or horizontal, the whole "LED display" theme is becoming a bit old hat. But where do we go from here? This article points the way! The display here consists of ten vertical columns providing an indication of not just the power output of the Hi-Fi system but the peak levels of ten frequencies throughout the audio spectrum. The display does not consist of row upon row of LEDs but one special fluorescent display matrix. This makes construct...
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