Maestro elektor june 1983 Following the description of the complete Maestro remote control and the construction of the transmitter in our May issue, we continue with the construction, fitting and adjustment of the receiver. Virtually the complete receiver is contained on a double-sided printed circuit board; only the two displays and associated drive circuits are located on a different board as explained last month. (part 2) Maestro the receiver board The receiver board is not small, but in view of the complexity of the circuit that is not unexpected: after all, it contains 29 IC"s, 15 transistors, 9 diodes and a fair number of resistors and capacitors. The board is shown in figure 1. It is advisable to check the through-plating of the holes (with a resist- ance meter) before any other work is com- menced, because any faults are virtually impossible to find once the board has been soldered. Construction After the board has been checked thoroughly, the components can be mounted. Al...
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