morse and radio teletype - all about those dots, dashes and pulses
morse and radio teletype - all about those dots, dashes and pulses
morse and radio teletype (RTTY) elektor june 1983 This article gives a theoretical introduction to the RTTY decoder featured elsewhere in this issue. It describes the principle of morse- morse and telegraphy and RTTY in some detail; their advantages and disadvantages are considered carefully as are other not so well-known technical features. radio teletype Advanced radio amateurs and all about those dots, dashes and pulses Apart from radio telephony, that is, the spoken word, there are other "wireless" ways of conveying a message: radio telegraphy (morse) and radio teletype (RTTY). It all started with telegraphy and it is still true today that radio communication over long distances is more reliable by morse and RTTY than by telephony : in situations where the spoken word becomes unintelli- gible through interference or other circum- stances, telegraphic or RTTY signals can often still be received satisfactorily. Some history The first wireless experiments by Marconi at the turn o...
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