high speed CMOS - LSTTL speed with CMOS current consumption
high speed CMOS - LSTTL speed with CMOS current consumption
new high-speed CMOS logic elektor september 1983 LSTTL speed with CMOS current consumption Speed is not magic, but it has its price: fast logic circuits use more current. TTL technology is fast and greedy, CMOS on the other hand is slow and economical. But now, advances in CMOS technology are making it possible to combine TTL speed with CMOS economy. A new family of logic circuits, high-speed CMOS, combines the speed of LSTTL with the advantages of CMOS and looks set to become the standard and eventually replace both the CMOS and TTL technologies. Figure 1. Cross-section of a chip manufactured by the metal-gate-CMOS process. The parasitic capacitances which have been drawn in prevent faster switching. 1 9-32 metal interconnect field oxide guard ring metal gate metal gate itrsylly ."4404 v.vt.tvL new high-speed CMOS logic The present situation Bipolar digital ICs have been around for some fifteen years. This first, and for a long time only, technology for logic elements is still th...
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