Junior synthesizer - make your computer play your favourite tunes
Junior synthesizer - make your computer play your favourite tunes
Junior Synthesizer elektor september 1983 Nothing generates quite so much interest in computers by raw beginners as a computer that makes noises. This is particularly true with children and especially if the computer can actually play its own tune on command. It can encourage them to take a serious interest in programming and/or computers in general. Junior Synthesizer make your computer play your When a flood of new musical instruments appeared that could be controlled by a microprocessor, some of the many Junior Computer owners must certainly have com- bined the two ideas. Actually this computer outputs of IC11 and ground. No other special interface is needed as the only com- ponent used is connected directly to the existing circuit. The audio signal that feeds the loudspeaker is produced by the 6532 on the main board of the computer, and con- sists of a series of pulses whose frequency is determined by the software. The tune to be played is memorized in page $0300 and is made u...
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