All home constructors are constantly looking for simple ways of checking whether electronic components they have in stock are fit for use. This is particularly so in the case of the more expensive transistors, such as the power metal-oxide field-effect transis- tors, or simply power MOSFETS, as used, for example, in the Crescendo amplifier featured in our December 1982 issue. Although the complete electrical testing of such devices requires complicated, expensive test gear, it is perfectly feasible to check them with a multimeter. The tests described refer to n-channel devices; by reversing the test leads indicated in the text, p-channel types can also be checked. Gate to source With the multimeter set to highest resistance range (x 10MS2 or x 100 MIZ) check that the resistance between gate and source is infinite. Reverse the test leads and check again. simple MOSFET check elektor september 1983 simple MOSFET c eck Drain to source (see figure 1) â– Set the multimeter to the lowes...
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