Basicode-2 - a code to make BASIC programmes exchangeable
Basicode-2 - a code to make BASIC programmes exchangeable
Basicode-2 elektor october 1983 The majority of modern hobby computers use the programming language BASIC. However, that does not mean that a BASIC program can be exchanged between two different types of computers, either directly or via a cassette. The BASIC commands may well be the same but the way in which the computer deals with them and how they are put on cassette are often completely different. Basicode was developed to solve this problem. It is a sort of universal communication standard to allow BASIC programmes to be interchangeable between different types of computers. basicode-2 a code to make BASIC programmes exchangeable It is about two years since NOS, the Dutch broadcasting company, came up with the idea of developing a standardised code to make it possible to exchange BASIC pro- grams between two different types of computers. As with most things that Murphy gets a hand in, this is not entirely straight- forward. First of all there is the problem of storage on casse...
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