battery eliminator - stabilized, variable-voltage power supply
battery eliminator - stabilized, variable-voltage power supply
battery eliminator elektor october 1983 Battery eliminator or mains adapter? The names can be confusing as they"re interchanged freely and both refer to a unit which plugs directly into a standard 13 A mains socket to provide a low-voltage d.c. output. Fortunately, there seems to be a growing tendency to use the name "mains adapter" for unregulated supplies, and "battery eliminator" for the more sophisticated, stabilized ones. The unit presented here provides a stabilized voltage which is variable about ± 25 per cent from nominal at an output current of 250 . .. 300 mA. Ripple voltage is low at 2 mVpp at maximum output. battery eliminator stabilized, variable- voltage power supply It is not too difficult to convert a bought- out mains adapter to a battery eliminator by simply adding a voltage regulator. As, however, the results were not very satis- factory, we decided to start from scratch and also provide current limiting. The unit is built in a small standard case which is conn...
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