EPROMmer using the Junior Computer - programming 2716 EPROMs with the Junior Computer
EPROMmer using the Junior Computer - programming 2716 EPROMs with the Junior Computer
EPROMmer using the Junior Computer elektor october 1983 M. Seiler and R. Kisse Many readers have asked in their letters how the main board of the Junior Computer can be used without an interface to program EPROMs, or how the JC can be used as a simple independent EPROMmer. Two readers, in particular, sent in a proposal about how this could be done, and, with their contributions, we reveal yet another facet of the "Junior" Computer. EPROMmer using the Junior Computer programming The inputs to the EXOR gate are pins 4 and 5 of IC12 and pin 6 is the output. Both inputs of the AND gate, pins 1 and 2 of IC9, have to be fitted with polarizing re- sistors connected to the positive supply. Then two of the eight possible connections from table 1 must be made; the actual ones to be used depend on the address decoding desired. This EPROMmer can only be used for 2716 EPROMs as programming 2732s is something quite different. Figure 2 suggests how the two cards could be connected using two 64-p...
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