decimal-to-binary converter - for programmable pocket calculators
decimal-to-binary converter - for programmable pocket calculators
decimal-to-binary converter ... elektor november 1983 decimal-b-binary ... for programmable pocket calculators Table 1 Program for decimal-binary conversion for TI 57 Keying sequence Start 1 EE 8 STO 4 LRN STO 1 STO 7 2 2nd Lbl 1 2nd x > t GTO 2 x 2 GTO 1 2nd Lbl 2 2nd x = t GTO 3 STO 2 GTO 4 2nd Lbl 3 x 2 STO 2 2nd Lbl 4 2 2nd INV Prd 2 2nd C. t RCL 1 RCL 2 STO 3 2nd x > t GTO 5 2nd Tr 2nd Pause EE CLR GTO 6 2nd Lbl 5 RCL 4 RCL 3 STO 1 2nd Lbl 6 1 xtit RCL 2 2nd INV x = t GTO 4 +/— R/S RST LRN End 1 5V 0 1 1 -40 converter... The home-made converter described in this article will make your programmable pocket calculator doubly useful by providing an eight-bit binary output which, for instance, may be loaded into a computer. Moreover, the output can be readily extended to 16 or 24-bit. Principle As pocket calculators invariably have no factory-fitted interface facility, one had to be designed. In an analogy to photo- couplers, light-dependent resistors (LDRs) were chosen which ar...
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