pseudo stereo elektor november 1983 for the personal FM The personal FM radio receiver published in the September 1983 issue was based on the TDA 7000 from Philips and has proved to be very popular. The good news is that this IC has been followed by another from the same source, the TDA 3810, and this can be used to put the personal FM receiver in an entirely different light. We know that the TDA 7000 is for mono reception only and therefore stereo reception is out of the question . .. almost! If not actual stereo, how about a "pseudo stereo"? This is where this article and the TDA 3810 come in! 11-52 Shortly after the introduction of the "TDA 7000 single-chip FM receiver" IC, Philips follow it up with another new chip which, even though it is hardly likely to cause an uproar in "The House", is still a very nice "first" in many respects. It is, in fact, an interesting 18 pin IC, the TDA 3810, which converts a normal mono signal into a pseudo stereo signal, or a normal stereo signa...
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