universal terminal - linking the computer to the user
universal terminal - linking the computer to the user
universal terminal ... elektor november 1983 The combination of the CPU card featured elsewhere in this issue and the VDU card published in our September number, with the addition of a keyboard, a monitor, and the necessary software results in a universal terminal which is really inexpensive for its capabilities. The terminal has an RS 232 connection with VT 52 protocol and can therefore be coupled directly to any computer provided with such a connection. An example is the 16-bit Force II which, in conjunction with this terminal, gives an excellent cost/performance ratio. universal terminal... .. linking the computer to the user This universal terminal should not be thought of as just a replacement for the Elekterminal. Connecting the latter to a large computer gives immediate problems because it does not provide handshake lines. The present terminal, however, provided as it is with an RS 232 connection and VT 52 protocol, can be connected to a large com- puter without further ado...
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