64-way bus board and service aid in uP systems - a new two-dimensional extension bus with 7 + 2 connectors
64-way bus board and service aid in uP systems - a new two-dimensional extension bus with 7 + 2 connectors
64-way bus board elektor december 1983 The first time a microprocessor bus system is used it seems enormous, but before long it begins to seem a bit limited, and then cramped, and finally completely inadequate. So after our first bus with 3 connectors, and the second with 5, we now introduce the new extension bus with no less than 7 connectors, which, unlike its predecessors, is perfectly symmetrical. 64-way bus board and service aid in pP systems a new two- dimensional extension bus with 7 + 2 con- nectors The new Elektor universal bus differs from its predecessors in that it has seven 64-way female connectors, plus a male connector at one end (the "input") and a female con- nector at the other end (the "output"). In addition to this, its upper side (connector side) is copper-clad and acts as a screen. The layout of the board also allows easy interconnection between lines. An extension for testing As can be seen from figure 2, the bus board is in eurocard format. This is neither ...
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