MF/HF USB marine receiver elektor december 1983 For some time now, a number of our readers, fervent DXers, have been asking for a follow-up to our short-wave SSB receiver (June 1982). DX literally means "distance X" or "distance unknown" and DXers are therefore hobbyists interested in long-distance radio communication (transmission and/or reception). Apart from these enthusiasts there are thousands of other people interested in listening to what goes on at sea and it was with them in mind that we thought it would be a good idea to design an inexpensive receiver for operation in the 1600 . .. 4000 kHz band. MF/HF USB marine receiver 12-24 Radio traffic in the 1600 . . . 4000 kHz band comprises CW (ICW and MCW, often just called `morse"), RTTY (radio teletype), radio facsimile, and plain telephony. For most DXers, morse and telephony are, of course, the most interesting and it is these that the receiver described in this article is designed to process. In principle, most of the 1600...
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