banking program - a financial control program using indirect filing on the Junior Computer
banking program - a financial control program using indirect filing on the Junior Computer
banking program elektor december 1983 One of the most interesting characteristics of combining a BASIC compiler with a Disk Operating System is the possibility of creating data files accessed by one or more programs written in BASIC. For Junior Computer owners the procedure is described briefly in the Ohio notes, but when this banking program was sent in by a reader we saw it as an excellent opportunity to delve a bit deeper into the operation of indirect files. banking program a financial control pro- gram using indirect filing on the Junior Computer L. Germain Before we start in earnest it is important to note the difference between direct and indirect files. If a programmer writes a program with line numbers, he has direct access while he is editing, modifying and listing it. When this same program generates data due to calculations, compiles the results and makes a new (`data") file saved on disk under another name using the OPEN, CLOSE, GET and PUT instructions, this is known...
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