"Some like it hot" You"ve just finished a hard day"s work and are heading home, looking forward to a relaxing evening. Sitting in your favourite chair while your faithful dog brings your slippers and paper. The crowning glory is, of course, the cup of hot coffee . . But sometimes it doesn"t work quite like that! The dog has to he pried out of what is also his favourite chair, and it takes almost all your- effort to coax him, grumbling and growling, to reluctantly fetch your slippers and paper. You put on the slippers and your feet begin to feel decidedly damp, the rain has made the ink in the paper run, and then to top it all the coffee is too cold. Refore you chuck in the towel . . . read on; we may not be much good at canine psychology, but we do have some ideas about coffee. These is little dispute that the best temperature for coffee is at least 80 degrees Celcius. That is the temperature where your tongue just begins to . . . but let"s not go into that here. Because coffee ha...
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