from rectangle to triangle Sawtooth generators are required in electronics for many purposes. Typical examples are found in music electronics where the rectangular output of a single octave divider must be converted into a sawtooth- shaped signal, or in measurement technology to provide the control signal for an analogue-to-digital converter. CLIC 00 01 00 ampla .eff L 01 amplified 15 ....18V cessive Q output of IC1. For in- stance, the amplification of output 02 is two times that of 01. Since the frequency is halved at each suc- cessive Q output, this means that the higher the pulse rate, the lower the amplification as is shown in figure 1. If high stability resistors are used, the resulting steps in the out- put will be symmetrical; with the values shown small deviations from linearity in the step will occur. The time/voltage characteristics show clearly how the stepped waveform is built up. For con- venience"s sake, the inversion in the opamp has been ignored: what is im- porta...
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