wind direction indicator - ""revolving pointer often in shape of cock mounted in high place esp. on church spire to show whence wind blows,"" (OED)
wind direction indicator elektor january 1984 wind direction indicator R. Bakx "revolving pointer often in shape of cock mounted in high place esp. on church spire to show whence wind blows," (OED) The article featuring the wind speed meter (anemometer) published in our October 1983 issue prompted us to expand the "Elektor weather station" by adding an electronic wind direction meter. This instrument consists of a "pick- up" and a read-out, connected together by means of two wires. The read-out indicates the wind direction with 16 LEDs. This could also be expanded so that the read-out is shown on an alphanumeric display. 1-52 In this electronic wind direction indicator the position of a wind vane is first translated into a code, which is sent below to display the wind direction on a wind compass card made up of 16 LEDs. The great advantage of the set-up used here is that only two wires are needed for interconnection between the pick-up section (at the wind vane) and the read-out s...
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