petrol saver - prevents your car from idling away its fuel
The ever increasing cost of petrol has ensured that fuel consumption is something few drivers can ignore. The size of the average car is steadily reducing but these smaller cars are becoming more comfortable to compensate for their dimensions. More importantly, however, they are also becoming more efficient, especially as regards fuel consumption. That is all very well for those fortunate few who can afford to simply go out and buy an efficient new car but the rest of us have to do what we can to reduce our fuel bills with our "old" cars. The circuit described here can help do this by cutting down on the amount of petrol wasted in a car engine. petrol saver elektor march 1984 The importance of fuel economy in cars can no longer be denied when the motor manufacturers of the world are working ever harder to make their products go fur- ther on less fuel. The "in" fad at the mo- ment is advanced aerodynamics complete with flush glass bonded to the body, and car salesmen make full use ...
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