GET and GO - automatic program start for the Junior Computer after loading from cassette by TM
GET & GO elektor march 1984 P. Barrat Personal computer users often like to try to change the operating system of their machines, however slight the changes may be. This, of course, is a way of personalising the machine and making it more suitable for the user"s own particular needs. The modification described here is both elegant and efficient. It improves TM (Tape Monitor) by adding a new function to automatically start programs read from cassette. This function explains the title of this article: "GET" = load the program, and "GO" = run it! GET & GO automatic program start for the Junior Computer after loading from cassette by TM The software given here lets the Junior Computer automatically start pro- grams after transferring them from magnetic tape via the cassette interface and TM to random access memory. The principle is that, during the RDTAPE routine, the return address saved on the stack by the JSR-RDTAPE instruction (ex- ecuted as soon as the user presses the GET key du...
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