pulse generator
pulse generator elektor april 1984 4-26 An electronics home workshop is usually started with a universal meter. Then follow a variable (regulated) power supply, a sine wave generator, and an oscilloscope. After that, who knows? There are hobbyists" workshops which would make many a professional green with envy. It is, however, fairly certain that among what follows is a pulse generator which is virtually indispensable when you work with digital circuits. pulse generator A pulse generator, like every measuring instrument, must be of good quality, and this is one of the starting points of our development described. Reliability, without exotic frills, and operating facilities for coping with most imaginable requirements, are others. To start with, however, a recap of pulse terminology which may refreshen many a memory! A pulse is a voltage or current which in- creases from a constant value to a maxi- mum and decreases back to the constant value in a comparatively short time. The cons...
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