the XR2206 in the function generator - a few remarks about he IC and the design
the XR2206 in the function generator - a few remarks about he IC and the design
the XR2206 in the function generator elektor december 1984 Function generators based on the almost legendary XR2206 usually have a few faults that are well known to users of this IC. There are dirty spikes on the peaks of the sine and triangle waves, these two waveforms become more and more similar to each other above 100 kHz and the amplitude decreases gradually then also, the frequency scale is not correct for asymmetrical waveforms (sawtooth and pulse waveforms), and the so-called sawtooth is more like an asymmetrical triangle. Apart from these points the IC works well... One of the aims of the new function gen- erator is to do away with these disadvan- tages. We must, however, first of all know the reason for the "errors" before we can see how to solve them. A better waveform The difference between a normal XR2206-based function generator and the new Elektor design is shown by the two photographs of figures 1 and 2. These do not require any further comment. The diagrams in fig...
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