temperature sensor
The LM35 is a temperature sensor which provides an output voltage that is directly proportional to the tempera- ture being measured in degrees Celsius. This means that if the tem- perature is 0 °C, the output voltage is 0 V. The output voltage increases by 10 mV for every degree Celsius, i.e., at 19.8 °C, the output voltage is 0.198 V. This is an important advantage over other temperature sensors that are calibrated in kelvin. Using such sen- temperature sensor 7-29 sors to measure in degrees Celsius requires a very stable reference voltage that must be deducted from the reading. Another advantage of the LM35 is its very low current consumption of less than 60 IAA. This means a long battery life and small internal power dissi- pation, so that errors caused by internal heat are minimal: 0.1 °C with a battery voltage of 4 V. The sensor can be connected direct to an analogue or digital multimeter, or, more interestingly, to a computer which can then process and store the informa...
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