win keyboard for Apple II
8-02 II twin keyboard for Apple II The keyboard supplied with com- puters is for many applications not the ne plus ultra it is claimed to be. Unfor- tunately, deficiencies normally do not become apparent until the machine has been in practical use for a while. Retailers have long since realized this and often stock improved keyboards that are fully compatible with the computer in question. It is, however, not always clear how the new keyboard can be attached to the com- puter. One possibility is, of course, to open the computer, remove the existing keyboard, install the new keyboard, and put the computer together again. It is, however, much better to use the solution suggested here, which is aimed at the Apple II and compatible machines. The accompanying circuit makes it possible to connect the additional keyboard in parallel with the existing one. Basically, it is just an electronic switch-over unit, designated MUX in the diagram. Both keyboards are connected to the input of MUX ...
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