VH UHF TV modulator - for any TV set without a video input
VHF/UHF TV modulator Elektor January 1985 Computers, video games, video cameras, games computers; all of these produce video signals that must be displayed via a television set. If the TV receiver in question does not have a video input and its owner is reluctant to vandalise it in order to fit one then this sort of modulator is the obvious solution. It is a simple circuit that processes video signals to enable them to be fed straight into the TV set"s aerial input. choice of component values takes care of the display quality: the modulator allows a resolution of 80 characters per line, as this is a value that is often needed. A very important feature of the circuit that must be decided is the transmission fre- quency. If this is only a single channel, as suggested above, it gives rise to some practical problems. Different users will want different channels, the carrier wave can become somewhat difficult to locate, and unless the frequency is exactly spot on no signal will be rece...
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