switching R/C channels - seven on/off switches for radio control, operated by a single (uni-directional) joystick
switching R/C channels elektor january 1985 G. Seegers switching R/C channels seven on/off switches for radio control, operated by a single (uni- directional) joystick The vast majority of radio control transmit- ters have at least one thing in common: they are fitted with joysticks. These joysticks enable the user to proportionally control various functions on his model, such as ailerons, rudder and throttle set- ting. The more sophisticated transmitters also provide a number of switching func- tions. This makes the model behave more realistically by allowing the user to switch lights on and off, raise and lower under- carriage and even drop bombs or fire torpedos. Desirable though these func- tions are, the transmitters that provide them are often out of the price range of many enthusiasts (including impoverished Elektor designers). One common solution is to fit a micro- switch inside the model and operate it by means of a servo. In this way one servo channel is needed to switch...
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