gyroflash - five sequential rotary flash tubes controlled by a single circuit
gyroflash elektor february 1985 from an idea by F. Lemoine gyroflash five sequential rotary flash tubes controlled by a single circuit Practical projects have always occupied most of the space in any issue of Elektor. Every now and again, however, an interesting design appears and is found to be not very practical from the point of view of how useful it is. Gyroflash is an interesting design that also has a practical value. It could be considered as a slave flash and with a very long exposure time this could probably provide some very interesting results. Avid scale modellers could use it as the base for a sophisti- cated miniature lighthouse. Others may like to use it as a simple novelty or build a party trick around it. It could also be used as a traffic warning or distress light as it does not need a mains power supply. What appealed to us, however, is not the use but the circuit itself, which is interesting purely as a design idea. The circuit The most obvious characteristic o...
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