programmable rhythm box - convert your micro-computer into a
programmable rhythm box elektor february 1985 convert your micro-computer into a Most personal computers on the market today have at least one "voice": a sound generator, in other words. The circuit here is something completely different. It is more a matter of computer control than microprocessor-generated sound. The computer controls eight generators, each of which provides the sound of a particular percussion instrument. The ZX81 is used as an example to show that the computer controlling the drum box does not have to be very sophisticated or have a large memory in order to perform a useful task. programmable rhythm box /- 3_" r 3 • 7.w7o4P7o 4 r r" 3 MI1111■111.10 7:•o 7. I ■3 ■. . 3 111111 111 111•11•11•11.•■■1■■■■•■■•■■•• w 7• 7• 4,d • 7toW 4. rr H. de Lange Eight-bit micro-computers can be used to perform many tasks, even, as is the case here, play an electronic drum set. The procedure involves generating a sequence of ...
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