speech for microcomputers - phoneme synthesizer with Centronics input
speech for microcomputers phoneme synthesizer with Centronics input A phoneme (Greek: "speech sound") is a basic sound unit in a language. E.g. in English "t" and "d" are separate phonemes; "c" and "k" may be the same or dif- ferent (cider; caulk; kirk); "c" and "s" may be the same or different (sirup; cork; civet); "ph" and "f" are the same. Speech processing with personal computers is still a very costly and restricted affair. Fairly simple methods using your own spoken text need large memories and even then the results are modest. Industrial, and therefore much more expensive, computers don"t do all that much better, although they sound better. The phoneme generator suggested in this article is relatively inexpensive and can be operated with a medium-sized memory. 3-38 The proposed phoneme generator is based on the type SPO 256 speech pro- cessor IC. We set out to produce a com- prehensive construction plan, complete with pcb and application notes. But prac- tical work with the...
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