darkness-sensitive light switch - to frighten off would-be burglars
darkness-sensitive light switch elektor march 1985 As can be read almost daily in any newspaper, the number of burglaries in private residences continues to increase. The police are overworked, and the courts, as usual when it concerns crimes againts the private citizen, far too lenient, so that manufacturers of security equipment are, understandably, doing good business in spite of the hefty prices they charge for their products. The philosophy appears to be that if you have something worth protecting, you"re normally quite prepared to pay for it. But does it really have to be so expensive? Since it is a fact that most burglaries occur during the hours of darkness, we feel that even a relatively simple, and inexpensive, switch as suggested here will deter most would-be intruders. And don"t forget, no security system, however expensive, gives one hundred per cent protection! darkness-sensitive light switch to frighten off would-be burglars Figure 1. The circuit diagram of the dark...
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