transistor unitester - a universal all-in-one transistor connection tester
transistor unitester elektor march 1985 G. Fossa n Many electronic components may only be fitted into a circuit in one way: the polarity must be correct in other words. Diodes, electrolytic capacitors, ICs (to name but a few) are marked to show what is their correct polarity but transistors do not have any such indication. Knowing the type of the transistor in question it is, of course, a simple matter to look at the data sheet and find out which pins correspond to emitter, collector and base. If you do not have the data sheet to hand, however, this makes matters somewhat more difficult. transistor unitester a universal all-in-one transistor connection tester Two things are of vital importance when a transistor is to be used in a circuit, namely which pins correspond to emitter, collec- tor and base and whether it is an NPN or PNP transistor. The transistor"s data sheet gives this information but the chances are that you will not have the appropriate data sheet when you need it. A...
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